
As if we need another reason to love the newest royal couple, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the beloved Prince Harry and Meghan have joined their royal forces to shed light on the issue of menstrual hygiene. That might seem like a taboo subject for HRH Harry and The Duchess, but that’s exactly why…

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Juicing Doesn’t Detox

In the last blog, we talked about why juice cleanses aren’t the smartest way to lose weight. In this post, we’ll look at how they’re also not a good choice for detoxing. Put simply, if you’re only drinking juice, you’re overloading your body with sugar. Yes, it’s natural sugar, but even natural sugar isn’t awesome…

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Cancer Food

This is not going to surprise you. It’s also not going to be good news. At least, not to those who are addicted to sugar. And, let’s face it, most of America is addicted. In fact, sugar is America’s #1 drug of choice, with Americans consuming, on average, about 20 teaspoons, or 80 grams, of…

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In the months since Joe’s passing, we’ve been working hard to find ways to continue to bring the same wisdom and advice to our fans and customers. It wasn’t easy figuring out what to do next, which is why we are so pleased to announce a major piece of what we’ve been working on! FUCNTIONAL…

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A New Organ?

Have you ever heard the old adage “You learn something new every day”?  It’s true, you know. Even for the experts. And, it happened, by accident, to a team of doctors doing a routine endoscopy. Endoscopy is a procedure that involves inserting a tiny camera into a person’s GI tract. With newer and more inventive approaches…

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Grandparents Rock!

Good news for grandparents! Actually, good news for grandparents, their kids, and their kids’ kids! According to a study from the Women’s Health Aging Project in Australia, researchers found that postmenopausal women, ages 57 to 68, who spend one day a week caring for their grandchildren may have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s and…

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Garbage In, Garbage Out

Well, here it is: The single most shocking food study ever conducted. According to a French study, ultra-processed foods—which tend to be high in fat, saturated fat, sugar, processed carbohydrates, and salt—are linked to cancer. It’s no surprise that the poor nutritional quality of ultra-processed foods lends itself to their negative effects on health. Ultra-processed…

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Glucosamine and Joint Pain

If you’re dealing with joint pain, arthritis, or osteoarthritis, study after study has shown there’s a simple step you should be taking that could have radically effective results. Glucosamine is a naturally occurring substance found in the shells of crustaceans and arthropods (shrimp, lobster, etc). As a supplement, it’s used to support joint health by…

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Maybe it’s NOT Gluten that’s bothering you..

In the last few years, more and more people are realizing that their bodies don’t respond well to gluten, even if they don’t have celiac disease. Bloating, gas and IBS-like symptoms are all common in those who merely claim gluten sensitivity. Many doctors and researchers have remained dubious about their patient’s claims. It looks like…

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Loneliness Can Kill You

TIME magazine has published a new video and article outlining the massive detrimental effect loneliness can have on your health. According to the research they’ve compiled, chronic loneliness can be more damaging to your health than smoking! They point out five specific areas loneliness effects: 1. Elevated cortisol (stress hormone) 2. Chronic inflammation 3. Poor…

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