Why Organic?

Is it really that important to eat organic? Does it really make a difference as far as health and wellness go? Turns out it is and does. According to the Environmental Working Group, it makes a huge difference. Pesticides are the known cause of many types of cancers and tumors and infertility issues, not to…

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National Chocolate Cupcake Day

It’s going to be a scrumptious day. It’s National Chocolate Cupcake Day! Yes! It’s a real thing! And, if you’re one of the few odd birds that don’t like chocolate, well, you can wait for Dec 15 which is just regular ol’ cupcake day. We know that this is not something we usually tell you…

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Eat This, Not That.

In the last post, we talked about all the yummy goodness that summer has to offer us in the form of culinary bliss. Now though, we’re going to expose some of the” yum” that is masquerading as “goodness”. It probably won’t surprise you. White breads, pastas, and pizza. All usually made from wheat which has…

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Summer Yum!

You know what one of the best things about summer is? Longer days with more sunlight for added vitamin D? Yes. Relaxing by the pool or being in the pool, playing with your kids or grandkids? Indeed! Being on vacation and making memories that will last a lifetime? Absolutely! But, you know what is present…

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Garbage In, Garbage Out

Well, here it is: The single most shocking food study ever conducted. According to a French study, ultra-processed foods—which tend to be high in fat, saturated fat, sugar, processed carbohydrates, and salt—are linked to cancer. It’s no surprise that the poor nutritional quality of ultra-processed foods lends itself to their negative effects on health. Ultra-processed…

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Fake Food

As if eating well wasn’t hard enough, it turns out that what you think you’re eating may not actually be what you’re eating! We’re not talking about hotdogs here, but everything from honey and olive oil to $350 Kobe steaks. Author and food writer Larry Olmsted has written extensively about the problem, ultimately leading him…

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