That’s not ice cream.

EVERYONE likes ice cream. You may prefer the basics or go for the fruity stuff… but everyone likes ice cream. Unfortunately, not everything in the “ice cream” aisle is actually what it says… According to Mordor Intelligence, the United States Ice Cream Market size is estimated at $19.03 Billion (USD) in 2024 and is expected…

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Food Fight

Adding bananas, particularly frozen ones, to a smoothie is one of the best ways to make it taste more like a milkshake. They’re sweet and have a creamy texture. Best of all, they’re full of potassium and fiber! But what else should you put in that smoothie? If you said berries for the antioxidants, you…

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That’s Gross

Say “Good-bye” to steak tartare! In a new study, researchers say they found drug-resistant bacteria in 40% of meat samples at supermarkets in Spain. Namely, they found E. coli bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. The team presented their findings at Denmark’s European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. E.coli causes severe illness, often…

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Doped Up Fish

Bad news for the fish in Florida. As human wastewater makes its way into oceans, the fish are testing positive for a mess of pharmaceuticals! Researchers at Florida International University and the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust studied the two types of fish found in Biscayne Bay and the Florida Keys since 2018. They found that…

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Food Guilt

The Christmas season is in full swing! And we all know that the past two years have been a rollercoaster, and we’re all ready to get back to our “normal” (whatever they may look like now) Christmas traditions.  Usually, that means family and friend gatherings and LOTS of food.  A lot of us have already…

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Childhood Diet, Lifelong Impact.

Here’s yet another reason to get the kids in our lives eating healthier, earlier. We all know that developing healthy eating habits early is essential. But it may be more pivotal than we initially thought. A new study in mice by the University of California Riverside suggests that overeating fat and sugar as a child…

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Order Extra Guac

If you’ve been with us for a while, you know that we’re really big on gut health around here. A happy gut leads to a happy, healthy immune system. And you know what makes your gut happy?  Avocados.  The Hass Avocado Board funded a new study at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where researchers found…

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Has 2020 been driving you nuts?  That may not be a bad thing. In fact, there’s good news. Nuts are good for us. Not only are they a tasty and delicious snack, but they are healthy as well. Making raw mixed nuts such as almonds, pecans, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, and hazelnuts a part of your…

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Safer Popcorn

Who doesn’t love settling in on a cozy night watching movies and eating popcorn? After a long day or week, it’s tempting to throw some popcorn in the microwave and sit down to watch your favorite movie and forget all your cares for a little while. We don’t mean to throw a wrench into it,…

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Obesity is the new smoking

  There is new information coming from the UK that, while not surprising, is quite alarming. Obesity seems to be rising at such a mind-boggling rate that it is being dubbed “the new smoking.” Increasing reliance on junk and convenience foods could set back decades of medical advances. So much that it has actually overtaken…

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