Tiny Marvels

Probiotics are pretty darn cool little buggers. They are still a bit of a mystery, but they have gained a ton of attention over the last few years, and rightfully so. These tiny marvels have a profound impact on a huge number of body systems, all while living in your gut! They help take care of…

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Order Extra Guac

If you’ve been with us for a while, you know that we’re really big on gut health around here. A happy gut leads to a happy, healthy immune system. And you know what makes your gut happy?  Avocados.  The Hass Avocado Board funded a new study at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where researchers found…

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Eat Your Fungus!

Why did the mushroom get invited to so many parties? Because he’s such a fun guy! *ahem* Do you like mushrooms? You may want to get to know them better after reading this.  A study published in Food Science & Nutrition found that adding just a half-cup of mushrooms to your diet can significantly increase…

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A Threat to National Security

Here’s an odd question: Other than the obvious (terrorism, foreign countries, Covid-19), what else do you think constitutes a serious threat to our national security? If you said “poor diet,” you’d be correct. According to a formal report published Monday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diet-related illnesses are worsening health disparities and impacting…

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Depressed? Eat smarter.

Chalk another one up for eating a healthy diet. As if we didn’t already know it, but there’s new evidence that suggests eating a diet which includes a bunch of fruits and veggies — and limiting highly processed foods — helps reduce symptoms of depression. Of course, it’s not surprising, but it’s a timely reminder,…

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Obesity is the new smoking

  There is new information coming from the UK that, while not surprising, is quite alarming. Obesity seems to be rising at such a mind-boggling rate that it is being dubbed “the new smoking.” Increasing reliance on junk and convenience foods could set back decades of medical advances. So much that it has actually overtaken…

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  If you regularly read our blog, you know we take every opportunity to post good news about coffee. As far as we’re concerned, any reason to sip a cup’a is a good one. Ladies and gentlemen, reason #1001 as to why coffee is winning at everything it does: It has a newly discovered superpower.…

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Eat This, Not That.

In the last post, we talked about all the yummy goodness that summer has to offer us in the form of culinary bliss. Now though, we’re going to expose some of the” yum” that is masquerading as “goodness”. It probably won’t surprise you. White breads, pastas, and pizza. All usually made from wheat which has…

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Summer Yum!

You know what one of the best things about summer is? Longer days with more sunlight for added vitamin D? Yes. Relaxing by the pool or being in the pool, playing with your kids or grandkids? Indeed! Being on vacation and making memories that will last a lifetime? Absolutely! But, you know what is present…

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Juicing: Cleanse or Crash?

As we head into summer, there will be lots of well-meaning people, who are serious about their health, that will be doing something that could be seriously dangerous… Juice cleanses. Juice cleanses dangerous? Well, yes. Juice isn’t dangerous for you. Especially if it’s real and not full of sugars and additives. But If juice is…

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