More Benefits of Broccoli!

“University of Illinois researchers have identified candidate genes controlling the accumulation of phenolic compounds in broccoli. Consumption of phenolic compounds, including certain flavonoids, is associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease, type II diabetes, asthma, and several types of cancer.” Furthermore, “The researchers crossed two broccoli lines and tested their progeny in terms…

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Folate Levels & Pregnancy

“Proper maternal folate levels during pregnancy may protect children from a future risk of obesity, especially those born to obese mothers, according to a study led by researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health.” To continue, “Folate, an essential B vitamin, reduces the fetus’ risk for neural tube defects, which are malformations affecting the…

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Pregnant Women & Risk of High Levels of Inflammatory Proteins

According to a new study, “Pregnant women with higher levels of inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, proteins that control communication between cells of the immune system, may be at significantly greater risk of having a child with autism combined with intellectual disability, researchers with the UC Davis MIND Institute have found.” Furthermore, “‘Their profiles are distinct…

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Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

According to The JAMA Network Journals, “A large proportion of cancer cases and deaths among U.S. individuals who are white might be prevented if people quit smoking, avoided heavy drinking, maintained a BMI between 18.5 and 27.5, and got moderate weekly exercise for at least 150 minutes or vigorous exercise for at least 75 minutes, according…

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Healthy Fats Not Linked to Weight Gain

According to a new study, “Eating a non-calorie restricted Mediterranean diet high in vegetable fats such as olive oil or nuts does not lead to significant weight gain compared to a low-fat diet, according to a large randomized trial. The study suggests that current health guidelines that recommend a low-fat, low-calorie diet create unnecessary fear…

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Whole Grains Linked to Lower Mortality Rates

“Eating more whole grains may reduce the risk of premature death, according to a new meta-analysis by researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study found that people who ate the most whole grains (70 grams/day, about 4 servings), compared with those who ate little or no whole grains, had a lower…

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Plant-Based Diet Decreases Risk of Type II Diabetes

Not that we needed more proof of the benefits of a plant-based, whole foods diet on the body, but we have it anyways! According to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, “Consuming a plant-based diet — especially one rich in high-quality plant foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes — is…

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PMS: What is it & What Can You Do?

Pre-Menopausal Issues for Women (PMS) Typically Occurs 7-14 Days Prior to Menses, and may include: • Severe mood swings: crying, extreme emotions, increased anxiety, depressed feelings • Breast tenderness • Fluid retention • Weight gain • Headaches • Cramps (lower abdominal) • Abdominal bloating • Sugar cravings • Irritability • Acne • Heavy flow Possible…

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Signs that You May Need to Detox

Indicators Your Body Needs a Detox: • Constipation • Headaches • Hormone imbalances • PMS or PMDD • Acne • Peripheral neuropathy(idiopathic) • Bloating • Psoriasis • Foot odors • Eczema • Reduced quality of life • Multiple chemical sensitivities • Muscular complaints • Insomnia • Dizziness Diseases Linked to Poor Detox: • Parkinson’s disease…

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Menorrhagia: What Causes It & What Can You Do?

Menorrhagia is categorized as excessively heavy menstrual flow, long period length, and clotting. Factors: Endometrial polyps Endometriosis Uterine Fibroids Endometrial Hyperplasia Liver Congestion or Damage Chronic Iron deficiency Vitamin E Deficiency Poor Thyroid function Vitamin K deficiency Hormonal Imbalances   Supplement Support: Vitamin A* Chlorophyll Vitamin K Vitamin E Progesterone Vitex-agnus castus Whole foods diet Accupressure…

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