Am I Old?

What age is “old?” It depends on who you ask… but the trend is, well, older. A new study conducted by a team of researchers from Germany and the United States and published in the journal Psychology and Aging reveals that the definition of “old age” is changing.  People now consider themselves “old” later in…

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Nine Keys

Not too long ago, we looked at green and blue spaces and how they can affect our health, but have you heard about “blue zones” and what they could mean for our longevity? Could they really hold the secret to a longer life? What are Blue Zones anyway? According to a review published in the…

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Record Breaker

What do you imagine you’ll be doing the day after turning 100 years old? Last month, WWII veteran Lester Wright celebrated in style, setting a new world record in the 100 meter dash, in front of thousands of track fans. He crossed the line to a standing ovation, finishing seventh out of nine runners, beating…

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Aspirin Advice

They’ve changed the rules on us again. This time, it’s about the longstanding recommendation of taking an aspirin a day to prevent heart disease.  It seems that that is the old way of doing things.  Out with the old, and in with the new…or, so they’re trying to say.  The United States Preventive Services Task…

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More Life

If given the chance to live longer, would you take it? We might be one step closer to unlocking the secret of vitality and longevity. In mice, that is. Scientists have found an enzyme that might have antiaging properties in humans as it does in mice. What they have found is a previously unknown “pathway…

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Oldest Man Dies at Age 146

While there’s no way to be 100% certain, Mbah Ghoto (grandpa Ghoto) claimed to have been born on December 31, 1870. If correct, that would make Mr. Ghoto 146 years old upon his death at the end of April. Unfortunately, Indonesia didn’t begin recording births until 1900, making it impossible to verify his claims. Nevertheless,…

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