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March 23, 2015

Did you know that CoQ10 can be related to dementia?  A recent study done revealed the following.  “The objective of this study is to examine whether CoQ10, a potential antioxidant, is associated with the risk of dementia, which not yet been proven.  There were 6000 Japanese aged 40-69 years at baseline.  Serum CoQ10 was measured in 65 incident cases of disabling dementia-related behavioral disturbances or cognitive impairment between 1999-2004.  Serum CoQ10 was inversely associated with dementia or the lower the level, the higher the disabling dementia level.”

Here is the link to the entire article:

Serum Coenyzyme Q10 Levels Inversely Associated with Risk of Disabling Dementia


God bless you and to your good health!

Joyce Gibb MS, CRNP
Ask The Pharmacist Group, LLC