Winter Immune Boosters

During the winter, our immune system can take a hit, making us more vulnerable to illnesses. The good news is that supplements can help strengthen our immune system and keep us healthy. We need to up some heavy hitters during the cold and flu season.  First on the list is vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant…

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Supplements 101

There has never been an ideal nutrition environment. 150 years ago, everything might have been organic, locally sourced, non-GMO, etc… but people living inland weren’t likely to get fresh deep-water fish, New Englanders weren’t getting citrus in the winter, and fresh dairy required you to own a cow. Thankfully, modern convenience means all of those…

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Coronavirus Supplement Protocol

You may have heard the term “novel” applied to the coronavirus (Covid-19) that we’re all dealing with. In this context, novel means “totally unique”. It’s true, this is a unique version of the coronavirus… but it’s not the only virus we’ve ever seen. It’s not even the only coronavirus we’ve ever seen! Because of that,…

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Why Buffered?

  Ever wonder what the difference is between regular Vitamin C and the more expensive Buffered Vitamin C?  We’re glad you asked! Regular vitamin C, especially in higher doses, can cause significant stomach upset. What’s more, the body doesn’t quickly absorb the quantities we often need. If you’re fighting off sickness, pregnant, nursing, or any…

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