Food Guilt

The Christmas season is in full swing! And we all know that the past two years have been a rollercoaster, and we’re all ready to get back to our “normal” (whatever they may look like now) Christmas traditions.  Usually, that means family and friend gatherings and LOTS of food.  A lot of us have already…

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Congratulations, you did it! You made it through another year. Doesn’t matter if you ran, full-steam-ahead across 2019’s finish line, or if you barely hobbled past it bruised and battered. You DID it! With the closing of 2019, we can look in the rearview mirror and bid whatever it was that was holding is back,…

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As if we need another reason to love the newest royal couple, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the beloved Prince Harry and Meghan have joined their royal forces to shed light on the issue of menstrual hygiene. That might seem like a taboo subject for HRH Harry and The Duchess, but that’s exactly why…

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