Tinsel Tricks Your Brain

Did you decorate early this year? If you did, science says you’re probably happier. And by ‘science,’ we mean evidence from the Journal of Environmental Psychology. In 2017, the British website Unilad reported that people who decorate earlier are happier because they are tapping into the excitement of the holidays before the rest of us. …

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Congratulations, you did it! You made it through another year. Doesn’t matter if you ran, full-steam-ahead across 2019’s finish line, or if you barely hobbled past it bruised and battered. You DID it! With the closing of 2019, we can look in the rearview mirror and bid whatever it was that was holding is back,…

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Heavy Holidays

Are you throwing caution to the wind and just eating, or rather devouring, your way through the holidays? You’re not alone. Not by a long shot. It seems that there are millions with you in not worrying about caloric intake, excessive fats, or serving sizes. A new survey has found that nearly half of Americans…

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A Proper Send Off

It’s always good to take a moment to reflect as the year comes to a close so we can look ahead with an excited expectancy of what’s to come. Has this year brought about any major changes? Has it beckoned movement? Did you stay put or get stuck longer than you thought? Did you suffer…

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