Exercise is for EVERYONE

You’ve undoubtedly heard the sad news by now: Richard Simmons, known for his seriously short shorts, sparkly tank tops, and frizzy hair, passed away at his home in Los Angeles at the age of 76. He was a universally recognized and beloved fitness personality and icon for over 50 years. Simmons created a fitness empire…

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Get More from HIIT Training

According to a study published in Sports Medicine and Health Science, taking antioxidants like vitamins C and E can enhance health protection during exercise-induced hemolysis. The study revealed that these supplements can increase the count of red blood cells and hemoglobin content. They also improve white blood cell and platelet alterations and the inflammatory profile.…

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More Gain, Less Pain

Researchers have added one more convincing reason to get us up and moving: a greater ability to handle pain. A recent study published in the journal PLOS One found that regular exercise effectively reduces or prevents chronic pain without medication. Researchers analyzed a sample of 10,732 participants from the Tromsø study, Norway’s largest population study. …

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Green & Blue

Has bad weather kept you inside for too long?You may need some time out in a green or blue space. Getting outside for a walk or a jog or along a lake or a tree-lined area may reduce the need for medication for anxiety, asthma, depression, high blood pressure, or insomnia, a new study found.…

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Record Breaker

What do you imagine you’ll be doing the day after turning 100 years old? Last month, WWII veteran Lester Wright celebrated in style, setting a new world record in the 100 meter dash, in front of thousands of track fans. He crossed the line to a standing ovation, finishing seventh out of nine runners, beating…

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The Anxiety Cure

This will be no surprise to you, and it will give you more reason to get out and play, get moving and stay active, especially if you deal with anxiety and depression. And, with the world we’re living in, it seems that anything can trigger anxiety.  A large-scale study of almost 200,000 cross-country skiers found…

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If you’re a swimmer, you’re going to love this. It’s going to make you smarter, we promise! It’s no secret that pretty much any type of exercise will help grow new brain cells and make you smarter, but swimming might offer up some extraordinary cognitive benefits above the regular old running, biking, or hiking.  Neurobiologist,…

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Men’s Health

Men, this week is for you! Actually, the entire month of June is National Men’s Health Month. With Father’s Day being this Sunday, we wanted to take the opportunity to celebrate all the dads out there, be they biological, adoptive, spiritual, or chosen. So this one is for you, Dads! When it comes to a…

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Too Much?

Do you need some motivation to up your exercise game? It looks as if physical activity may be even more vital for preventing cardiovascular disease than we realized.  A new study published on Tuesday, out of the University of Oxford, has found exercise might be more significant for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease than…

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A Threat to National Security

Here’s an odd question: Other than the obvious (terrorism, foreign countries, Covid-19), what else do you think constitutes a serious threat to our national security? If you said “poor diet,” you’d be correct. According to a formal report published Monday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diet-related illnesses are worsening health disparities and impacting…

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