
  If you regularly read our blog, you know we take every opportunity to post good news about coffee. As far as we’re concerned, any reason to sip a cup’a is a good one. Ladies and gentlemen, reason #1001 as to why coffee is winning at everything it does: It has a newly discovered superpower.…

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Coffee Saves Lives

I’m drinking my coffee while writing this. And, it’s good. It’s really good. It’s not just your regular cup of java, though. It’s one that could quite possibly help me live longer. You want to live longer too? Go grab yourself a cup o’ joe and read up on on the newest study that says…

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Coffee helps prevent skin cancer!

Not that we need another reason to enjoy a cup of coffee, but there are a BUNCH of studies now showing that drinking coffee has some effect on reducing your risk of various skin cancers! The most recent study followed over 500,000 people in Europe between the ages of 25-70 for nearly 20 years. During that…

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