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Eating high levels of saturated fat triggers an influx of immune system cells into tissues, thereby promoting inflammation and tissue damage.

“Modern lifestyles seem to go hand-in-hand with high levels of fat in the blood. This fat comes from the food and drink that we consume; for example, you’d be surprised how much saturated fat a latte contains, and some people drink several through the course of the day,” said Dr Woollard. The researchers also found that the just one type of monocyte is involved in the process, thus opening up the possibility of the development ofa therapeutic drug which targets these particular monocytes, thereby preventing any damage caused by fatty build up in blood vessels and organs.

Here is the link to the entire article:

Saturated Fats Damage Health By Promoting Inflammation

As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group, LLC

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