Last year, we did a series of blog posts about the basics of supplementation. It covered seven of our most frequently recommended supplements. We discussed circumstances in which they were helpful as well as research supporting each. Our goal was to give folks a great starting point and foundational knowledge on their journey toward better health.
This information is always relevant (good research is like that). Moreover, we are daily interacting with listeners who are just now beginning their own journey's toward better health. With that in mind, we thought it important to re-present these "basics."
If you're brand new to natural health or you've been listening to Joe's shows for years, re-reading these fundamentals is always a good idea.
So! What are the seven supplements we thought were most basic?
Not only are those seven the most frequently recommended and best researched supplements on the market, they're also useful for nearly everyone! If you're not taking a multivitamin, probiotic, and omega-3 supplement, you should be!
Of course, none of these are magic pills. The basics we CAN'T provide you with are a healthy diet (eat your colors!), exercise, and plenty of sleep. If you're not doing those, all the pills in the world won't help for long.
If you have questions or need some guidance starting down the path to better health, let us know! Helping folks on this journey is our passion. You can call (800-609-6633), email (orders@askjoedimatteo.com), or set a time for a private consultation with Joyce Gibb!