Balance is Key

Your body needs both Omega 3 and 6 fats. These “healthy” fats are critical for cardiovascular and neurological health. Getting enough of both is key to maintaining your health! But as with so much in life, balance seems to be key. A new study published in eLife Journal with researchers from Cornell, University of Georgia,…

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Eating for Epilepsy

The keto diet has been gaining popularity in recent years as a way to lose weight, but it was first created back in the 1920’s as a way to treat epilepsy, particularly in children. We want to bring that use-case back into focus! Epilepsy affects around 50 million people worldwide, causing recurrent electrical discharge in…

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Making Kids Fatter

The pandemic has thrown everyone for a loop. As a result, we’re all pretty much off our game and have distracted ourselves with whatever may be in front of us. And for a lot of us, that may be mindless eating.  Unfortunately, that goes for kids as well. A new study from Pediatric Obesity found…

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A Threat to National Security

Here’s an odd question: Other than the obvious (terrorism, foreign countries, Covid-19), what else do you think constitutes a serious threat to our national security? If you said “poor diet,” you’d be correct. According to a formal report published Monday in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, diet-related illnesses are worsening health disparities and impacting…

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Skinny Mice

What can we learn from fat mice?  Well, maybe quite a bit.  Researchers from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found a way to disable a gene in the cells of mice, preventing them from becoming obese even after being fed a high-fat diet. Scientists successfully blocked critical inflammatory cells called…

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Heavy Holidays

Are you throwing caution to the wind and just eating, or rather devouring, your way through the holidays? You’re not alone. Not by a long shot. It seems that there are millions with you in not worrying about caloric intake, excessive fats, or serving sizes. A new survey has found that nearly half of Americans…

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  If you regularly read our blog, you know we take every opportunity to post good news about coffee. As far as we’re concerned, any reason to sip a cup’a is a good one. Ladies and gentlemen, reason #1001 as to why coffee is winning at everything it does: It has a newly discovered superpower.…

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Get On Up!

Here’s a weird question: What’s more dangerous than smoking? Any guesses? Believe it or not, sitting can be more dangerous than smoking. Yes, you read that correctly. To be more specific, sitting for long periods of time is more dangerous than smoking. Actually, it can be worse than smoking a couple of packs a day! The…

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The Basics: Omega-3

If you’re new to natural health and supplementation, many of the terms you hear often will be totally foreign. One of our primary goals here is to help you to be educated and informed. We believe educated people make better patients with better outcomes. It’s only a matter of time until everyone comes into contact…

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