Heal Wounds Faster

Raise your hand if you love blueberries! Us too! They taste great, are packed with vitamins, and have a very low glycemic impact. They’re a perfect sweet fix for just about everyone, no matter what your health challenges… but that’s not all! It seems those little blue superfood orbs of deliciousness may hold the key…

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Metformin & Fertility

Researchers have found that the drug metformin, which is commonly used to treat diabetes, may cause genital birth defects such as undescended testicles and urethral problems in the male children of men who take the medication. The use of Metformin appeared to affect sperm that developed during a critical time before a male child was…

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Ultra Light Beams

A new study has discovered a revolutionary way to inactivate more than 98% of the airborne bacteria in just five minutes. And all we have to do is turn on the lights.  Well, ultraviolet light, that is. According to a recent statement, the new study shows a “hands-off” approach using ultraviolet light, called far-UVC light,…

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The Cocoa Trials

It looks like chocolate may be the secret to stopping heart disease.  Well, kind of.  A new study has found that a key extract in cocoa significantly reduces the chances of dying from cardiovascular problems. Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital found that consuming cocoa flavanols lowered the risk of cardiovascular death by 27 percent. The findings…

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Xeno What?

Sadly, David Bennett Sr., the 57-year-old patient with terminal heart disease who became the first to receive a genetically modified pig heart transplant, has passed away. According to a statement from the University of Maryland Medical Center in Baltimore, where the transplant was performed, Mr. Bennett passed away Tuesday. He lived for two months after…

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Psoriasis is no joke. It is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that can cause psoriatic lesions on the elbows, knees, trunk, and scalp.  Unfortunately, stress and psoriasis seem to be closely linked. Psoriasis patients often report that their condition worsens when under a lot of emotional stress. At the same time, psoriasis can also take…

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Food is Medicine

It’s always fun when modern research confirms what we already knew. If you follow us, this won’t be a surprise: eating healthy may be the fastest way to lower cholesterol.  Shocking, right? A new study done by Mayo Clinic and the University of Manitoba found eating a “Step One” Foods product twice per day effectively…

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Death by IRS

The phrase “Nothing is certain except for death and taxes” is not accurate. It might be more accurate to say “Nothing is certain except for death FROM taxes.” As crazy as it seems, every year and every tax season, the pressure to file for returns by a deadline gives tax payers, preparers, and accountants plenty…

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Seeing The Signs

Researchers say a new, first-of-its-kind study shows the retina may also be able to provide scientists with an easy, non-invasive way to determine our body’s true biological age. And as it turns out, dry eyes can be a sign of rheumatoid arthritis. Also, high cholesterol levels can cause a white, gray, or blue ring to…

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New Muscles

Here’s an exciting discovery for the top of the year. A team of researchers has recently discovered a new part in the human body, a deep third layer of muscle in the masseter muscle, which is critical for chewing.  Most modern anatomy textbooks describe only two layers of the masseter, stating that the muscle has…

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