Got Their Attention

Not too long ago, we told you about the ongoing dangers of PFAS, or “forever chemicals,” leaking into our waterways for years. It’s been an issue for a while. Now, it’s become a problem for shareholders, namely their profits.  It turns out that money (or losing it) gets things done.  Investors from some of the…

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Born Perfect

A modern medical miracle happened in Davis, California.  The second patient ever to undergo a landmark stem cell procedure for spina bifida — while still in the womb — was born. Well, he’s a few months old already. His name is Tobi, and “he’s a rock star!” Spina bifida, also known as myelomeningocele or MMC,…

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Aging Together

Men age faster than women… But, the gap is shrinking. According to research from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, men are biologically older than women. Smoking and men’s larger bodies may partially explain the observed sex difference.  Starting in the 20th century, life expectancy in the Western world increased quickly. However, women still have…

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Election Anxiety

A new study out of Boston suggests that polarizing political events like elections can adversely affect our sleep and emotional well-being.  Shocking, we know. The study substantiates the impact of major political events on sleep and how it affects the public’s mood, well-being, and alcohol consumption. Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) published…

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Antibiotic Bone Cement

Researchers have developed a method that could revolutionize hip and knee replacements. The researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital out of Boston created a new antibiotic-infused cement for bones to combat infections. The new “highly effective” medicine promises to get to the core of bacterial bone infections and has proven to be a powerful force…

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RA & The Elderly

Last week we went over the rheumatism basics. We told you the main treatment goals with rheumatoid arthritis are to control inflammation which will ease pain and ultimately reduce disability linked to RA. However, despite aggressive guidelines, one particular demographic is still undermedicated and undertreated.  The elderly. A new study suggests that doctors are not…

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Cellular Plumbing

We are one step closer to the impossible, it seems! Researchers at Johns Hopkins University have determined that a system of tiny pipes could possibly deliver medicine straight to individual cells. The team says the “nanochannel plumbing system” could one day funnel drugs, proteins, and molecules to precisely targeted organs and tissues without risk of…

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Please Stop

If you’ve hung around us here for more than a minute, you know that we’re big believers that what we eat significantly impacts our health.  And you know that ultra-processed foods like candy, soft drinks, pizza, and chips obviously don’t contain enough beneficial nutrients the body requires. Generally speaking, the more ultra-processed foods people eat,…

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In some not-so-surprising news, a recent study found that participants who consumed sugar substitutes showed an altered microbiome and spikes in blood glucose. Since the introduction of diet drinks in the 1950s, the decades-long controversy around the safety of sugar substitutes has continued. Theories surrounding sweeteners such as saccharin, sucralose, and stevia contend that they…

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This past June, we posted about PFAS, often called “forever chemicals” found in drinking water. These harmful manufactured chemicals are present everywhere — in the air we breathe, the soil, and the food we eat. Recent research even reports rainwater anywhere on the planet contains hazardous PFAS levels. What’s worse is that PFAS are almost…

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