As if we need another reason to love the newest royal couple, The Duke and Duchess of Sussex, the beloved Prince Harry and Meghan have joined their royal forces to shed light on the issue of menstrual hygiene.
That might seem like a taboo subject for HRH Harry and The Duchess, but that’s exactly why they’re doing it--to make it less taboo.
The Duchess took on the cause when she was traveling to India before she became a royal. In her own words, "Beyond India, in communities all over the globe, young girls' potential is being squandered because we are too shy to talk about the most natural thing in the world...We need to push the conversation, mobilize policy making surrounding menstrual health initiatives, support organizations who foster girls' education from the ground up, and within our own homes.”
While in India, Meghan met with young girls and women, learning that 80% of girls face restrictions during their periods. The result is that the young girls miss school because of their periods and risk health issues due to a lack of supplies. In India alone, adolescent girls miss school, on average, five days per month when they are menstruating, according to the United Nations. And, in the United Kingdom, Meghan’s new place of residence, 10% of girls are unable to afford menstrual supplies. She and Prince Harry are trying to change that.
In fact, this cause is so near and dear to the royal couple’s heart that they requested that their wedding guests make donations to their favorite charities.
What’s not to love about this philanthropic couple?
To learn more about this incredible cause, you can read more about it in TIME.