Summer Yum!

You know what one of the best things about summer is?

Longer days with more sunlight for added vitamin D? Yes.

Relaxing by the pool or being in the pool, playing with your kids or grandkids? Indeed!

Being on vacation and making memories that will last a lifetime? Absolutely!

But, you know what is present in all those things?


Sweet, savory, delicious, colorful summer food!

With a slower pace and longer days comes the time to actually enjoy what you’re eating—and who you’re eating it with. Food was never meant to be gobbled up and inhaled while you’re on the go and in a furious rush. God intended for us to enjoy all of His creation, including food.

Why do you think He put every kind of yummy goodness in THE Garden?

Speaking of the garden, that’s where you’re going to find lots of summer’s best offerings. With watermelons, cucumbers, grapefruit, tomatoes, peppers, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, kale and literally tons of other fruits and veggies sprouting up all over the place, you can have a veritable rainbow of palatable options. This is what "eating seasonally" is all about! Add to that, fresh grilled salmon (and deep water fish—high in omega-3s) or chicken and WOW! Our Creator sure knows how to make a feast! 

You pretty much can’t go wrong if you decide to take a tour through the garden on a hot summer day and dig up your dinner. It’s literally the definition of garden fresh.

As Joe always said, "Eat your colors!" Rainbows make everyone happy. They’ll make your stomach, heart, and health happy too!

If you want to find out about your local flavors of deliciousness, head on over to to look over their state-by-state guide of the best summer foods.


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