June 11, 2014

Joe recently came across this article on Seasonal Allergies and thought is was news worthy and important for you to know, especially now during the height of allergy season. Joe quotes "Found in Africa, Europe, the United States and Canada, stinging nettle is a perennial plant that has been used as a medicinal agent since ancient times. The genus name Urtica comes from the Latin verb urere, meaning "to burn," because of its urticate (stinging) hairs that cover the stem and underside of the leaves. For many years, a freeze-dried preparation of Urtica dioica has been prescribed by physicians and sold over-the-counter for the treatment of allergic rhinitis."  Our Aller 7 Support was made with Stinging Nettle for this very reason.  Also Interesting to read that Probiotics play a role in allergy relief and support!

Click here to read the entire article:

Natural Medicines For Seasonal Allergies

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As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group


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