We know eating a Mediterranean diet is excellent for your health. Now, research from Australia shows that it's great for baby, too!
According to the study:
"...women who eat a Mediterranean diet before getting pregnant have less risk of suffering from hypertensive problems during pregnancy [1]. Somehow eating a diet based on extra virgin olive oil, fish, fruit and vegetables protects pregnant women and their babies from harmful pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia and preterm birth."
In fact, the study found that the more closely a would-be mom ate a color-filled Mediterranean style diet, the greater the protection from things like gestational hypertension!
It's also great to note that this study spanned over 9 years and 3500 women. In other words, this is info you can take to the bank.
Have you started changing your dietary patterns? What changes have you noticed in your wellness and quality of life? Call the show! We'd love to hear about it!