August 6, 2014
In a recent article, Joe found it news worthy that Lycopene, a powerful antioxidant compound found in tomatoes may improve the function of blood vessels in patients with cardiovascular disease, according to new research from the University of Cambridge. A quote from the article: "We've shown quite clearly that lycopene improves function of blood vessels in cardiovascular disease patients," adds Dr. Cheriyan. "It reinforces the need for a healthy diet in people at risk from heart disease and stroke. A daily 'tomato pill' is not a substitute for other treatments, but may provide added benefits when taken alongside other medication. However, we cannot answer if this may reduce heart disasese-this would need much larger trials to investigate outcomes more carefully."
Hers is the link to read the entire article:
Tomato Pill Improves function of blood vessels in patients with cardiovascular disease
[products ids="18482,2381"]As always,
Be well,
Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group