December 29, 2014
Essential for the absorption of calcium from the intestine and the utilization of calcium and phosphorus, Vitamin D is vital for the health of at least 36 organs, including the bone marrow, colon, kidney, lung, prostate, retina, and skin. A study conducted in a central Pennsylvania academic institution in the fall and winter months found that among 50 patients with a clinical neuromuscular diagnosis, blood levels of Vitamin D (measured as 25 (OH) D3) among 30 subjects was below 30ng/ml. The study authors write that: “Although [vitamin D levels] can be low in fall and winter, significantly lower levels were seen … among the patients seen randomly in our neuromuscular clinic.”
Here is the link to the entire article:
Vitamin D Deficiencies Linked to Neuromuscular Diseases
As always,
Be well,
Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group, LLC
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