How Much?

Well, Happy New Year!

You did it. You survived another year and made it to a shiny, brand-spankin’ new one. The slate is clean. The possibilities are endless.  Staying the same is not an option. For some, that means big changes need to take place.

That applies to hospitals too!

As of January 1, Medicare has required hospitals across America to post standard charges online for every item and every service they provide.

You read that correctly.

Hospitals are now required by law to publicly post their prices on everything ranging from drugs to x-rays to organ transplants.

Seema Verma, head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said, “We are just beginning on price transparency, We know that hospitals have this information and we’re asking them to post what they have online.”

This requirement was originally introduced in the Affordable Care Act of 2010. But Seema Verma has stated that the new requirement for online prices reflects the Trump administration’s ongoing efforts to encourage patients to become better-educated decision makers in their own care.

The hospitals must update these price lists at least once each year.

This is good news in that this should cut down on surprise and hidden fees. It will also help in holding hospitals accountable. It’s a start in giving the power back to the people regarding their own healthcare. It’s a step in the right direction.

To learn more, you can read this AP News article and take a look at the US. Dept of Health and Human Services press release.

Change is good! Especially when it comes to empowering and educating you about your health.

May this year bring you health, wellness, and peace of mind.



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