July 23, 2014

In a recent study done (Nurses' Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study), Joe found it News Worthy that high folate intake is linked to a lower risk of a common secondary type of glaucoma. Secondary glaucomas can develop as complications of other medical conditions such as previous surgery or diabetes to name a few. Another is exfoliation glaucoma which occurs when outer layrs of the lens flake off and block normal flow of the eye fluid called aqueous humor.

In a new study, researchers found that there was a trend of a 25% reduced risk of glaucoma when comparing data for those who consumed the most folate to those who consumed the least.  There as also a slight reduced risk for those who reported regular use of multivitamins.  Vitamin B6 and B12 intake did not appear to affect the risk for glaucoma.  The authors concluded that higher folate intake might reduce the risk for secondary glaucoma.  Additional research is warranted.

Click here to read the entire article:

Folate Associated With Decreased Glaucoma Risk

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As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group

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