Fasting and the Soul

With all the physical benefits fasting has to offer, it would be remiss of us not to mention the even more important spiritual benefits that are afforded by fasting. It’s one thing to treat your body with respect and kindness, but when you care for your soul and spirit the way it was intended, you undoubtedly open the door for “next level” goodness and wellbeing.

There are several types of fast you can do, but the main purpose of fasting is giving up something so you can be more in tune and concentrated on the spiritual side of things. If you’re wondering if fasting is worth it, take a look at just three of the benefits it has to offer:

  1. Clarity–Fasting forces us to take our eyes off of the natural ways we fill ourselves. Because we are choosing to focus more on God, his voice can become more powerful and clear to us. As a result, we gain clarity. Decisions and directions become easier to navigate. We are better able to perceive the spiritual side of life and live above the “cloudiness” that so fogs our minds without the heightened spiritual awareness.
  2. Intimacy–Having a heightened sense of spiritual awareness when we fast, we are more keen to notice God’s presence and nearness to us. Because “man does not live by bread alone,” (Matt 4:4) we are better able to feel God’s mercy and grace in sustaining us when we are at our weakest in hunger. His Words really do become our food.
  3. Discipline–Talk about discipline! Fasting can take you to a level of spiritual discipline that you never knew existed. A lot of the great heroes of the faith have fasted for one reason or another. All were the most disciplined and laser-focused in their relationship with their Creator. Because we deny our fleshly desires and carnal cravings, fasting teaches us that we can abstain from anything if we really want to, especially if we know it does us no good.

The benefits of fasting are too many to tell. It doesn’t matter if you are a first time faster or if you’ve made fasting a way of life, God will always reward obedience and those who seek after him. And, each time you fast, you’ll see different benefits.

Fasting is not some weird, mystic discipline that only the great heroes and kings of the Bible did to win wars. It’s something you and I can do to get closer to the God who is both big enough to save souls and nations, and intimate enough to mend your brokenness while whispering to your heart exactly what you need to hear at the exact time you need to hear it.

If you’ve ever wondered about what fasting can do for you, now may be a good time to find out.


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