I’m drinking my coffee while writing this. And, it’s good. It’s really good.

It’s not just your regular cup of java, though. It’s one that could quite possibly help me live longer.

You want to live longer too? Go grab yourself a cup o’ joe and read up on on the newest study that says that drinking coffee is associated with a lower risk of early death. The good news is that this study provides further evidence that coffee drinking can be part of a healthy diet and offers reassurance to coffee drinkers, regardless of how much you drink and whether or not it’s caffeinated.

For the study, about half a million women and men ages 40 to 69 from the UK agreed to be observed for a decade. Participants filled out questionnaires about daily coffee consumption, exercise, and other habits, and received physical exams including blood tests. Most were coffee drinkers, with 154,000, about one-third, drinking two to three cups daily and 10,000 drinking at least eight cups daily.

Over the decade, the study showed that, overall, coffee drinkers were about 10 to 15 percent less likely to die than abstainers.

Need more of a reason to drink that cup of brain juice? Earlier this year, Spanish researchers reported 20,000 people who drank at least four cups of coffee a day had a 64% lower risk of death than those who never or almost never drank coffee.

The results are in. Coffee is good for you! Or at the very least, it’s not bad for you.

One note: the research didn’t include whether participants drank coffee black or with cream and sugar. Don’t undo what coffee can do for you by canceling out the health benefits, so take care not to load it up with chemical laden, sugar-filled creamers.

You can read more about it here in the New York Post.

But first, go grab another cup!





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