Did you throw caution to the wind and eat or inhale your food all the way through the holidays? It happens more than you realize. You’re not alone. Not by a long shot.
Millions of Americans don’t worry about caloric intake, excessive fats, or serving sizes. A 2019 survey found that nearly half of Americans take an extended break until the new year when starting or maintaining a healthy diet. That said, only one in eight will make it to the new year without gaining any weight.
Of 2,000 adults surveyed, 45% said they planned to start a healthy diet or lose weight after the new year. And realistically speaking, the average American gains six extra pounds over the holiday season, with only around 12% not gaining weight.
44% of respondents admitted that they ate more than one dinner on Thanksgiving day, with around 30% indulging so much that they felt sick. In addition, a whopping 40% confessed to undoing a button or two on their pants to make room for extra space for their expanding bellies.
Christmas tends to be more of the same.
But that’s ok! There’s always… New Year’s Resolutions.
At the top of 2022, a survey of 2,000 adults revealed that of those who’ve previously set resolutions, 68 percent have never fully achieved one. However, the respondents were more optimistic this year, with three-quarters having set resolutions for 2022. Thirty-six percent of those believed they’d accomplish all of their goals. Thirty-five percent of resolution-setting respondents believed they’d achieve some of their goals, while just four percent thought they would need more time to be successful with any.
The survey looked at when Americans start hitting the “resolution cliff” -the date they officially start slacking on their New Year’s resolutions.
For those who didn’t expect to hit all their targets, the average respondent said they started falling behind within the month – specifically by Jan. 29 before they gave up entirely on most of their 2022 goals.
We know that all sounds discouraging. But it doesn’t have to be. We know that you know it’s not about making resolutions but more about setting goals and adopting lifestyle changes. It’s a shift in thinking.
So, what are your goals for 2023?
And how are you planning on reaching them?
We’re here to journey with you!
Whether you started your change on January 1, next week, or back in September, the important thing is to make the choice to change. You have the ability to make a RADICAL change in your life! Take the first step, then the next, then the next. You don’t have to “achieve” all of your goals… but you do have to start moving if your ever going to get there!
Make the decision to change something today. Don’t worry about next week. Next week, you can make the same decision… or even a bigger one!
We’re rooting for you! We believe in you! We’re excited for you!