Drugs are forbidden sign on a white background

According to Vaccine, "75% of the vaccine-related posts on Pinterest are negative towards vaccination, according to research published in Vaccine. The authors of the study, from Virginia Commonwealth University in the US, are calling for better communication about vaccination." The article is biased in that the researchers want scientists and doctors to speak up and educate people on the importance and safety of vaccines. However, the information presented is what is  most interesting to us: People are doing their own research about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, and they have concerns.

Furthermore,  "The results revealed that 75% of all vaccine-related pins were negative. Messages ranged from simple posts questioning the safety of vaccines to more radical claims that vaccines are being created to kill people. 20% of the posts talked about conspiracy theories, such as pharmaceutical companies out to make money at the expense of children and governments trying to harm children for the purposes of population control."

People turn to the internet and social media for all types of concerns. Often, people are finding that they have to be their own advocate when it comes to their health care and the care of their loved ones. It is not surprising that people are doing their own research and sharing these things with other people via social networking.


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Elsevier. "Most vaccine-related posts on Pinterest are anti-vaccine, reveals research: Scientists say it's time for institutions to value public engagement and advocacy." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 1 February 2016. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/02/160201130906.htm>.

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