September 5, 2014

In this Livestream, Joe tries to give a condensed discussion “All About Thyroid”.  I am sure there will be follow up Livestreams on this subject due to it’s scope and number of people it affects.  Please comment on this blog if you would like to hear more from Joe about this topic during his Livestreams.

Joe begins talking about the sub-clinical aspects of Thyroid Disease because the focus is on lab values and versus symptoms.  “A normal Thyroid test with symptoms of Hypothyroidism is the problem” states Joe.  Lack of reliance on sign, symptoms, history and clinical appraisal is a big issue.  Joe continues to discuss the effect Iodine plays in thyroid health, as well as food allergies, leaky gut, and even exercise.  He concludes with a full discussion on the question of what values should you test for and a list of nutritional supplementation that are key to helping in production of T4 and the conversion to T3.

Click the link below to watch the entire Livestream:

Ask The Pharmacist Livestream with Joe DiMatteo-All About Thyroid

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As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group

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