You Need the D!

Vitamin D is a big deal. I need it. You need it. We all need it.

It’s one of the reasons God gave us the sun... But more on that in a minute.

First let’s talk about some staggering statistics.

Vitamin D deficiency is the most common medical condition worldwide, affecting about 90% of the global population? And, over 75% of people with different types of cancers have a Vitamin D deficiency? Of those, the lowest levels are linked to the more advanced cancers.

Good news though! In recent studies, Vitamin D has now been convincingly shown both in vitro and in preclinical animal models to alter the differentiation, proliferation, and apoptosis of cancer cells.

In short, Vitamin D  may help reduce the risk of cancer and other ailments.

There are a few warning signs you may be Vitamin D deficient. Look for these red flags:

  1. Muscle weakness
  2. Bone pain
  3. Constant Respiratory Issues
  4. Depression
  5. Excessive sweating, especially of the head
  6. Hypertension
  7. Chronic Fatigue
  8. Chronic Kidney Disease
  9. Chronic Infections
  10. Cardiovascular Disease

This isn't just an "old people's" problem. More and more children are showing the effects of D deficiency as they spend more time indoors with electronics and eat ever increasing quantities of processed food. This is particularly troubling as these habits tend to continue into adulthood when the cumulative effects become even more apparent.

Even though that list may seem daunting, there are ways to make sure you’re getting enough Vitamin D intake on a daily basis. Three huge ways are:

  1. Get out in the sun! God said “let there be light”, and there was! So get out in it. By that, we mean, get your bare skin out in the sun. You don’t need to tan or burn your skin to get the amount of Vitamin D you need. Depending on your skin tone, this could mean anywhere from as little as 15 minutes to a couple of hours. Be smart! Don’t go out in the hottest part of the day and get a sunburn. That’s the opposite of what your goal is.
  2. Diet- Eating a diet chock full of Vitamin D rich foods is crucial in maintaining appropriate levels in your body. Cheese, yogurt, milk, liver, eggs, and lots of different types of fish are high in Vitamin D.
  3. Supplements- Supplementation should not be the ‘end all, be all’ of your Vitamin D intake, but it sure can help. Usually when you find a Vitamin D deficiency, you’ll find a magnesium deficiency. The two go hand in hand seeing as how Vitamin D can't be metabolized without sufficient magnesium levels. Make sure you’re getting enough of both!

Did you catch that about magnesium? We'll say it again: You can't metabolize vitamin D without sufficient magnesium levels! It doesn't matter how much cheese you eat and time you spend in the sun if you're not also eating spinach, nuts and beans!

A Vitamin D deficiency is completely preventable. With a few easy adjustments, you can potentially lower your risk of cancer, along with a host of other unwanted ailments. You’ll feel better. You’ll sleep better. You may even end up with a nice sun-kissed glow.

Now, get out and enjoy the Springtime sun!



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