What is DPA?

So by now, you should know that we've reformulated our Omega-3 supplements and added DPA. But... Why? What is DPA?

DPA (Docosapentaenoic Acid) is the long-chain, intermediate polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acid that plays a pivotal role in how our bodies use EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid). It is similar to EPA, but our bodies can store twice as much in our blood because it is less actively oxidized (burned as energy). DPA can be converted into either EPA or DHA, depending on what our bodies need.

It's known as "the missing omega," and is now finally getting the credit it deserves.

DPA is absorbed into the bloodstream, and red blood cell lipids 22% better than EPA and DHA, meaning the body may be able to absorb more of its benefits. It can also help the body to retain its omega-3 fatty acids by acting as a storehouse. A study in Copenhagen conducted over two weeks showed that participants who had taken supplements rich in DPA and EPA and DHA increased omega-3 levels in the bloodstreams by 63%, compared to only a 41% increase in the participants who took supplements with only EPA and DHA.

Of course, Omega-3s are famous for health benefits such as memory enhancement, mood improvement, and eye health, along with being anti-inflammatory. But it seems as though EPA and DHA were taking all the credit for it. But it seems that DPA may be responsible for more than we think, namely:

  • Improving Memory. It can aid in long-term memory retention, boosting brain function.
  • Improving Mental Health. DPA can improve mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia. Schizophrenia patients have been found to have lower levels of DPA in their blood, signifying that a daily dose of this fatty acid may reduce symptoms. 
  • Anti-Aging. Studies have found a link between higher blood levels of DPA and improved wellbeing in aged men and women
  • Improving Cardiovascular Health. DPA can decrease the risk of heart disease, prevent arterial blockage, and strokes by as much as 40%. A Harvard study showed higher concentrations of DPA in the bloodstream were associated with a lower risk of heart attack.
  • Lowering Cholesterol. Taking DPA can reduce non-HDL cholesterol by 50%.
  • Anti-Inflammatory. DPA helps to rebalance the ratio of omega-3s to omega-6s, which decreases inflammation in the body.
  • Anti-Cancer. Multiple studies have reported that DPA has a high anti-cancer potential, particularly in reducing tumor growth in breast, colon, and prostate cancer. 

DPA is a big deal and it makes a big difference in our overall health. There's a reason we revamped our Omega Essentials collection: We want the absolute best for you and your health. When new research comes to light showing a way we can improve, we don't hesitate. We know that you care about what goes into your body. We do too.









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