What Does Joe Do? Part 2

February 13, 2015

In this Livestream Joe continues his efforts to impart and disperse knowledge to you.  He begins discussing 4 important points:

  • Dividends-Invest in your life to make changes that pay dividends.
  • Simple-Concepts that are simple and teachable.
  • Understanding-Have knowledge to ask questions.
  • Reprove-to criticize but educate with kind intent.

His goal is not to reprove (scold) you, but educate you with kind intent.  With that said he begins by telling us that eating foods and adding supplementation that reduces inflammation is critical, as inflammation is the root cause of most disease and disorders in the body.  Next, they are to improve detoxification and increasing elimination of toxins.  Third, increasing blood flow will increase oxygen to brain and musculature.  Last, reducing free radical damage in our bodies is necessary as they are by products of our bodies metabolism.

Joe listed his daily supplement list to include:

Daily Essentials, Probiotic Essentials, Liver Essentials, Trans Resveratrol, Poly Resveratrol, Omega-3 800, Prostate Essentials Plus, Buffered C Powder, Coenzyme Q 10, Iodoral, and DHEA.

After the break, Joe discusses the importance and relationship between "sustain with regards to repair and immunity".

  • Quality of food and nutrients
  • Alkaline Diet
  • Sleep
  • Protein
  • Buffered C

He also talked about why alkalization is important as acidification gets in the way of cells working.

Here is the link to the entire Livestream:

What Does Joe Do? Part 2


As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group, LLC

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