Exercise Core Principles as a Concept Abstract

According to a recent study, "The “secret” to staying strong as we age has been discovered by a researcher: superb fitness. A new study found that elderly people who were elite athletes in their youth or later in life – and who still compete as masters athletes — have much healthier muscles at the cellular level compared to those of non-athletes."

The article continues, "The study compared world-class track and field athletes in their 80s with people of the same age who are living independently. There have been few such studies of aging and muscle weakening in masters athletes in this age group."

"The study found that athletes' legs were 25 per cent stronger on average and had about 14 per cent more total muscle mass. In addition, the athletes had nearly one-third more motor units in their leg muscles than non-athletes. More motor units, consisting of nerve and muscle fibres, mean more muscle mass and subsequently greater strength."

The article closes, "Power studies healthy aging from cells to the whole body. 'Exercise is definitely an important contributor to functional performance,' he said, adding that even non-athletes can benefit. 'Staying active, even later in life, can help reduce muscle loss.'"

Click here to read more.

University of Guelph. "Exercise keeps muscles, and you, young." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 30 March 2016. <www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/03/160330135728.htm>.

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