Pre-eclampsia During Pregnancy and Autism Risk

December 11, 2014

Pre-eclampsia is a condition the occurs during pregnancy that is characterized by high blood pressure and spilling protein in the urine.  In this new study, researchers have found that children with autism spectrum disorder were more than twice as likely to be born to mothers with preeclampsia during pregnancy.  The more severe the preeclampsia, the more likely the child would have autism.  This study involved over 1,000 children between 2-3 years of age who were part of the Childhood Risks of Autism from Genetics and the Environment (CHARGE) Study in Northern California.  Previous studies have been inconsistent. This research team also found that children with autism whose mothers had preeclampsia were more likely to have lower cognitive functioning.

Here is a link to the article:

Preeclampsia During Pregnancy and Child's Autism Risk Linked

God bless you and to your good health!

Joyce Gibb MS, CRNP

Ask The Pharmacist Group, LLC

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