July 9, 2014

In a November 2013 article in National Standards, Joe found it News Worthy that high-dose omega-3 fatty acids may be an effective treatment for older people who have vision problems due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD).  The article states:  "In the current study, the authors evaluated the use of high-dose omega-3 fatty acids for possible vision benefits in older people with AMD. Participants received omega-3 fatty acids providing 3.4 grams of EPA and 1.6 grams of DHA daily for a period of six months, after which their visual health was assessed.The results suggested that people with dry AMD (a form of the disease in which deposits of waste products form in the eye) experienced significant improvement in vision within four and a half months of receiving daily omega-3 supplementation."

Click here to read the entire article:

Omega-3 Fatty Acids May Reduce Symptoms of Macular Degeneration

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As always,

Be well,

Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group

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