June 16, 2014
Did you know that not all Vitamin E products are identical?
Perfect E is the most complete Vitamin E product on the market bringing together all the best of the Vitamin E compounds in one product. It features high potencies of Vitamin E, very high amounts of Mixed Tocopherols (high in Gamma Tocopherol) and optimal amounts of Tocotrienols (from the most clinical-signicant source, TocoMin). Other Tocotrienol products only contain Tocotrienols and a sprinkle of Vitamin E. They actually contain very little Vitamin E and virtually non of the Mixed Tocopherols. They also do not usually feature the best source of Tocotrienols (TocoMin). Joe thought that this was important to share with you because it is important to be knowledgeable when it comes to taking control of your health, especially your Heart Health.
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As always,
Be well,
Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group