April 6, 2015
This December 9, 2014 article from Clinical Gastroenterology Hepatology evaluated a prospective study to evaluate L-carnitine, which is involved in the beta-oxidation of fatty acids, to reduce muscle cramps in patients with cirrhosis. They were given L-carnitine 300mg, 3 times a day or 4 times a day for 8 weeks. Muscle cramps were decreased by 43.5% in the 4 time a day dosing vs improvement of 10.5% in the 3 times a day dosing. No adverse events were reported. It appears that L-carnitine is safe and effective for reducing muscle cramps in patients with cirrhosis.
Here is the link to the entire article:
L-Carnitine Effectively Reduces Muscle Cramps in Patients with Cirrhosis
God bless you and to your good health!
Joyce Gibb MS, CRNP
Ask The Pharmacist Group, LLC
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