May 23, 2014
Ask The Pharmacist Livestream with Joe DiMatteo – ANXIETY & STRESS – May 17, 2014
In this Livestream, Joe discusses how the body responds to stress. Did you know that 75-80% of hospital or office visits center around chronic stress? When your body tries to manage stress response it makes brain chemicals to help us cope with it. This is in the simplest of terms and is why we supplement with these chemicals.
Joe discusses mechanisms or methods we need to do to help us manage the stress of our daily lives. These include counseling (Godly), exercise, laughter, deep breathing, diet (consumption of the wrong items to correct items), sugar imbalance to balanced, liver detox to help eliminate the toxins to cleanse the bloodstream. Some methods of treatment which will be discussed next week are Daily Essentials, Coenzyme B, because nutrient deficiency feeds into depresssion, as well as liver detox.
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As always,
Be well,
Diane Silverman R.Ph.
Ask The Pharmacist Group