An Ascorbate (Vitamin C) Flush will help you determine your approximate daily Vitamin C Ascorbate need. It's done with the powdered form of Ascorbate. We recommend The Essentials Buffered C Powder (8 oz or 16 oz). | |
How to do an ascorbate flush: |
Dissolve 1/2 teaspoonful (2 grams) of buffered ascorbate powder (a potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc combination is preferred) in 1-2 ounces of water or juice. Use the buffered ascorbate your practitioner recommends for your situation.After dissolving the ascorbate and allowing any effervescence to abate (typically about 2 minutes), drink the beverage until watery diarrhea has occurred. A flush should be reached before going to bed. The protocol to follow will depend on the individual's health status.
Many people find that dissolving ascorbate in a number of ounces of liquid (e.g. 40 grams in 10-20 ounces liquid) allows for easier, more timely consumption of the beverage than making up a new batch at each time interval. If you make up a batch of liquid ascorbate, we recommend a sealed bottle, such as a "jogger's bottle" to avoid air oxidation of the ascorbate. Dissolved ascorbate is stable for a day if kept tightly sealed and cool or cold. After watery diarrhea occurs, stop consuming the ascorbate. Press on to an enema-like evacuation of liquid. Do not stop at loose stool. |
Daily Ascorbate Requirement: | To calculate your daily ascorbate requirement, click the image below and the calculator will open in a new window. Or, if you prefer to do the math yourself, follow the instructions below the image. To find your daily requirement, first calculate the total ascorbate consumed.For example:
For 1/2 teaspoon doses: Count the number of 1/2 teaspoon doses. A 1/2 teaspoon dose is equivalent to 2 grams. Therefore, multiply the number of doses by 2. The result will be the number of grams of ascorbate consumed. For 1 teaspoon doses: Count the number of 1 teaspoon doses. A 1 teaspoon dose is equivalent to 4 grams. Therefore, multiply the number of doses by 4. The result will be the number of grams of ascorbate consumed. For 2 teaspoon doses: Count the number of 2 teaspoon doses. And since, a 2 teaspoon is equivalent to 8 grams, just multiply the number of doses by 8. The result will be the number of grams of ascorbate consumed. * * * Next calculate your approximate daily need ("bowel tolerance"). Seventy-five percent (3/4ths) of this total is your approximate daily need ("bowel tolerance"). All you do here is multiply the total number of grams consumed by 75% (or .75). Divide your daily need in grams by 3.2 to calculate your daily need in teaspoons of The Essentials Buffered C Powder. (Note: Each rounded teaspoon contains 3.2 grams of fully buffered ascorbate.) If this total is greater than 50 g, you are welcome to mix the buffered ascorbate with equal amounts of pure ascorbic acid. Consume as liquid, tablet or capsule in four or more doses per day. The goal of one in a state of good health is 2-10 grams per day. |
Changing Ascorbate Need: | As you become healthier, the useful life span of ascorbate inside your body will increase and less ascorbate will be needed to achieve the desired effect. As your need for ascorbate decreases, you may notice loosening of the stool indicating that your body is consuming ascorbate. |
Risk of Ascorbate Flush: | By following this approach you will be well-hydrated, and therefore the risk of fluid or electrolyte loss from the diarrhea is minimized. Some people report gas or fullness while doing the ascorbate flush, but that is almost always due to dissolving the ascorbate flush in too much water or to rushing the procedure. Room temperature liquid is best for absorption. Occasionally cramps occur, usually because too little fluid is used to dissolve the ascorbate. |