- Reverses scurvy and stimulates protein synthesis to repair and maintain the integrity of blood vessels and other structural elements in the human body.
- Regulates the production of and enhances the functional activity of hormones such as cortisol, thyroid hormone, FSH, LH and oxytocin.
- Regulates the production of and enhances the functional activity of neurotransmitters such as adrenalines, dopamine, serotonin and others.
- Regulates the production of and enhances the functional activity of immune regulating cytokines and interleukins.
- Promotes nitrous oxide (No) formation to improve the elasticity of blood vessels and regulate blood pressure toward healthy levels.
- Regulates the production of and enhances the functional activity of detoxification pathways.
- Provides the energy source for ATP formation in the mitochondria, the cell¹s energy power-producing organelle.
- Promotes healthy bone formation.
Serves as the most effective agents to increase glutathione in the body.
- Increases iron uptake in people but only in those who are iron deficient.
- Stimulates the syntheses of beneficial superoxide dysmutase (SOD), glutathione synthetase, and other regulatory and prospective enzymes.
For more information, or if you think you need help in achieving the level of health you desire, call 1-877-275-7743 to schedule a consultation.