First Day Fears

The new school year has started, and with it may come new anxieties, fears, concerns, and expectations for your kiddo. It can be overwhelming for everyone. But it doesn’t have to be.

To help families ease the transition, NPR’s Life Kit asked teachers, pediatricians, and child development experts for their best back-to-school advice. We’ve added some of our tips as well.

*Remind kids that almost everyone feels a little nervous on the first day (weeks) of school. 

Naming and describing an emotion and letting children know you understand how they feel can help them feel more in control over their feelings instead of feeling overwhelmed by them. Leah Orchinik, pediatric psychologist, Nemours Children’s Health

*Help them understand what to expect. As Daniel Tiger sings, “When we do something new, let’s talk about what we’ll do.” Remind them that “grown-ups come back” [at the end of the school day] — and they can share their new experiences at school with their loved ones. Mallory Mbalia, director of learning and education at Fred Rogers Productions, producer of the TV show Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.

*Talk to your child about how they might handle challenging situations, even if they are not likely to happen. For example, if your son is worried about getting lost in a new school, help him problem-solve by creating a plan about what he would do if that did happen so he feels more prepared and confident. —Leah Orchinik, pediatric psychologist, Nemours Children’s Health

*Make up a special goodbye ritual together. Morning goodbyes can be challenging. But you can create daily memories your child will cherish for years to come. Say, “See you later, alligator! In a while, crocodile!” and do a special handshake or enjoy an extra-long hug. You can also kiss your child’s palm and then hold each other’s hands tightly to “seal it in.” Tell your child to remember they’ll carry your kiss with them all day long, and they can do the same for you! Jeanette Betancourt, senior vice president of U.S. social impact, Sesame Workshop

*Discuss family or classroom conflicts with your child. Have a daily conversation topic such as, “What’s been a good or hard part about your day?” or “What rules do we need to help everyone feel loved and respected?” Then, have a weekly discussion to keep things on track and make kids part of problem-solving. Thomas Lickona, author of How to Raise Kind Kids

*Pour positive words of affirmation into your children on a daily basis. For example, “I love you. I’m proud of you. It’s going to be a great day. It’s OK to make mistakes.” Parents can leave notes inside their children’s lunch boxes. Or I’ve had parents ask me to write a sticky note on their child’s desk for them. These messages allow a kid to feel powerful and confident throughout the day. —Jarod Renford, first-grade teacher in Washington, D.C.

*Fill their connection cup before and after school. Even if you’re tired in the morning, set that alarm for 15 minutes earlier to have a snuggle session with your child. Read a book together. Have breakfast together. When you pick them up from school, be aware they will need another connection cup top-up. Sometimes, they will present with this after-school meltdown because they’re so depleted. Vanessa Lapointe, author of Discipline Without Damage

*Let them have a snack and a nap. The first few days and weeks back can be exhausting. If at all possible, when they get home from a grueling day, let them relax a bit before they dive into homework or extracurriculars. Meltdowns can usually be avoided with a strategically timed snack and nap. This goes for the big-kid teenagers, too. The whole house will thank you for it.

To learn what works best, read this article on Life Kit. It offers wisdom straight from the students themselves.

And, one of the most significant and vital things you can do is…

* Pray with your child before they leave, get on the bus, or get out of the car. It doesn’t matter if they’re a little one or a baby adult. When parents (or grandparents/caregivers) pray for them, kids feel seen and loved — not just by you, but by The God of the Universe, the One who designed them and created them to be unequivocally unique. Prayer is a powerful weapon to break the effects of fear and anxiety. It will calm nerves and call out destiny. If prayer can move mountains and calm the raging seas, just think of what it can do for your child’s body, mind, and spirit.

If you don’t do anything else from this list, make sure you pray. It’s the most effective, influential, intense, and intimate way to communicate to your child that you love them and will go to battle for them. Add to that the promise that God, their Creator, will never leave or forsake them (Deut 31:6,8; Heb 13:5), and you have set them up to move forward in love and confidence.

Whether your kids are heading to kindergarten or the final year of their school career, they need us to be their advocates. They still depend on us. And we can all take away that snacks, naps, and prayer can save the day!


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