If you haven't seen it reported breathlessly on the news or shared by a well-meaning relative on facebook, the FDA recently issued a warning about homeopathic teething tablets and a risk of seizures. The warning was strongly worded and spoke threateningly of the seizure risks these tablets pose. The public warning on the FDA's website doesn't offer any real details or information on what exactly it is that poses this risk, but they advise throwing out any tablets you have and talking to your pediatrician to get pharmaceutical help for teething pain.
If you haven't guessed, Joe thinks this is absurd.
Teething tablets (and gels) have been used safely by hundreds of thousands of babies for decades. There is no indication that these products have suddenly become dangerous. This warning appears to be completely baseless and lacking any sort of solid reasoning. In fact, Health Canada (the Canadian version of our FDA) just published this as a direct response:
"Health Canada is following up with Canadians concerning the recent warning issued by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding possible safety issues involving homeopathic teething products in the United States. At this time, there is no indication of a similar safety concern in Canada. We continue to follow up with Canadian manufacturers and the FDA, and to assess all available information."
In other words, "We completely disagree with the FDA."
The FDA doesn't hide is disdain for the homeopathic community, but it's frustrating to see this kind of direct, baseless attack on something as innocuous as teething tablets.
Read more here!