This is the second part of the “Back to Basics” series. This video focuses on the core basics of a healthy diet. This is not a “diet” in terms of a fad or something a person should follow temporarily, but focuses more on eating right all the time. The information outlined is nutrition for anyone looking for a “basic” plan for eating right!
The key to eating right is having an adequate balance.
Some approximations and recommendations for a daily diet:
• 30-35% - Vegetables
o Eat low starch vegetables.
o Try to avoid corn and potatoes
• 20-25% - Protein
o Wild caught fish, lamb, bison, buffalo, chicken, beef (organic, if possible)
• 15-20% - beans/legumes
o They can help stabilize blood sugar and aid in weight loss
o Try eating lentil soup
• 15% - Whole grains
o Quinoa, steel cut oat, cous cous, basmati rice, Ezekiel bread
• Other sources include nuts, seeds, oils, & fats
o Best source of oil is extra virgin olive oil
• Fruits
o Between meals
• Drinking water is essential to proper nutrition. The water should be purified or filtered. Remember to drink most of your water away from meals and alone.
• It is also important to rotate foods. You do not want to eat the same exact source of protein or vegetable every single day. There are different nutrients in different foods and it is important to not limit yourself to one type. Also, if you only eat the same foods, you are more likely to stray from eating healthy because you become sick of the monotony!
• Avoid packaged, processed, and prepared food as much as possible!
• Try to focus on food as fuel, not as an outlet
• Fruit is an important component to a proper diet. Try to eat it in between meals or as a snack.
• Do not eat after 7:00 pm
• Do not skip breakfast
• Chew your food thoroughly!
• Limit alcohol
• Limit use of condiments. They are high in sugar, additives, msg, and flavorings
• Luncheon meat should be avoided. Try only real chicken and turkey
• Remember, your food should be live!