A New Generation

Let's get straight to the big news:

Generation Health, a weekly video and audio podcast, will begin airing on March 7th, 2023!

In the six years since Joe DiMatteo’s passing, the team tried to figure out how to fill his impossibly large shoes. They have tried… and failed, learning quickly that nobody could do things the way Joe did. Between his two decades of experience doing live radio and four behind a pharmacy counter, he set a very high bar.

Joyce Gibb (MS, CRNP) was the first to step into the gap left by Joe’s absence. Her years in nursing, natural health, & working in private consultation directly with Joe put her in the perfect spot to add her voice. She began making videos in early 2018 and hasn’t stopped.

Soon, Joey DiMatteo (PharmD, CCN) added his voice to the videos, and not long after that, Dante DiMatteo (PharmD, CSCS) did as well. Product reviews, articles, and blog posts were being produced, but despite all of that, they never stopped being asked, “When are you guys going to start a new radio show?”

Without Joe, live radio just didn’t work.

Dante & Joey looked for solutions, but nothing quite clicked… until summer of 2022.

At dinner one night, behind-the-scenes team member Tyler Andrews brainstormed a show idea with the brothers. The idea was not to replace the classic radio show, but to update it to fit their personalities and unique shared history. They could keep the same mission (covering complex health topics, research in pharmacology and natural health, and directly answering listener questions) but in a new format: roundtable video podcasting.

From that summer until now, there have been hundreds of hours of planning, practicing, and research. Episodes were recorded and scrapped. More were produced and scrapped again. Pieces were clipped out and teased. Variations were tested and critiqued. The idea was refined and polished. It took longer than anyone had guessed, but it’s finally here.

Generation Health starts on March 7th, 2023.

If you’re as excited by this as we are, please help us spread the word!

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