1. It increases the capacity for respiration.
  2. It circulates more oxygen to your tissues.
  3. It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by your tissues and the oxygen made available.
  4. It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten your hearts load.
  5. It tends to reduce the height to which the arterial p;pressures rise during exertion.
  6. It lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.
  7. It holds of the incidence of cardiovascular disease.
  8. It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
  9. It aids lymphatic circulation, and the flow in the veins of your circulatory system
  10. It encourages collateral circulation.
  11. It strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
  12. It allows the resting heart to beat less often.
  13. It lowers elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
  14. It stimulates your metabolism.
  15. It promotes body growth and repair.
  16. It tones up your glandular system, especially the thyroid to increase its output.
  17. It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body which nay be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
  18. It chemically attains absolute potential of the cells.
  19. It reserves bodily strength and physical efficiency.
  20. It expands your body's capacity for fuel storage and endurance.
  21. It improves co-ordination through the transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of your muscle fibers.
  22. It affords muscular vigor from increased muscle fiber tone.
  23. It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
  24. It enhances digestion and elimination processes.
  25. It allows for better relaxation and sleep.
  26. It results in a better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
  27. It curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort in women.
  28. It minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
  29. It tends to slow down the aging process.
  30. It reduces the likelihood of obesity.
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