
If you’re a swimmer, you’re going to love this. It’s going to make you smarter, we promise! It’s no secret that pretty much any type of exercise will help grow new brain cells and make you smarter, but swimming might offer up some extraordinary cognitive benefits above the regular old running, biking, or hiking.  Neurobiologist,…

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Migraines & Omegas

Holy mackerel! One billion people around the world, including 12% of Americans, suffer from migraines. However, a new study may offer hope for those who suffer from migraines and are looking for dietary options that could provide relief.  We have known for a while that certain foods can trigger migraines. But, the study found that…

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Time Travel

It looks as if researchers have unlocked a pathway to time travel — in our brains, at least.  Scientists have identified the neural pathways in the brain that allow us to recall memories and replay them in the correct sequence.  This is a monumental step forward in potential treatments for people with memory problems! A…

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Perils of Insomnia

There’s some unsettling news for older adults who have significant difficulty falling asleep and experience frequent bouts of insomnia. According to the World Sleep Society, sleep deprivation threatens the health of up to 45% of the world’s population. And by “threatening,” they mean that those older adults who don’t get enough sleep are at high…

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Trojan Horse Cancer Killer

Scientists at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland have a sneaky trick up their collaborative sleeve. Much like the Trojan horse scenario whereby the ancient Greeks snuck their way into the city of Troy inside a giant wooden horse disguised as a gift, researchers have created a “Trojan horse” drug of sorts that kills cancer…

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Killing Cancer

There’s some promising news coming out of Oregon State University.  A team of researchers at OSU has discovered a new class of anti-cancer compounds capable of killing both liver and breast cancer cells. These new compounds, called Select Modulators of AhR-regulated Transcription or SMAhRTs, weren’t the research team’s only discovery. They also identified the genetic…

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Millennials at 40

It’s happening. Millennials are beginning to reach middle age. As of 2021, the older millennials, born between 1981 and 1988, have started turning 40. And they are feeling it… More than the Gen Xers that are only a few years older. According to a study conducted by Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, millennials had substantially higher…

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Teens Catch Moods

It seems that teenagers share more than clothes and secrets.  There is a newly discovered contagion running rampant among teens, and it has been staring us blankly in the face all along.  A UK study has found that teenagers can “catch” moods from their friends.  Unfortunately, negative moods appear to be more contagious than positive.…

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Childhood Diet, Lifelong Impact.

Here’s yet another reason to get the kids in our lives eating healthier, earlier. We all know that developing healthy eating habits early is essential. But it may be more pivotal than we initially thought. A new study in mice by the University of California Riverside suggests that overeating fat and sugar as a child…

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42 Mystery Chemicals

Scientists at UC San Francisco have found something surprising in pregnant women…and their children. A study published yesterday (March 17, 2021) in Environmental Science & Technology has detected 109 chemicals, including 55 chemicals never before reported in people and 42 “mystery chemicals,” whose sources and uses are unknown. The chemicals were found both in the…

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