Carrot and Stick

Researchers at Wake Forest University School of Medicine (WFUSM) have used a new method to map dopamine regulation in real-time deep inside the brains of three humans. The study recently published in the journal Science Advances shows that dopamine plays a crucial role in not just recognizing rewards but also in learning from mistakes. This…

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Tinsel Tricks Your Brain

Did you decorate early this year? If you did, science says you’re probably happier. And by ‘science,’ we mean evidence from the Journal of Environmental Psychology. In 2017, the British website Unilad reported that people who decorate earlier are happier because they are tapping into the excitement of the holidays before the rest of us. …

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Your Brain in Love

It’s the week of celebrating love. Valentine’s. Yes, you could roll your eyes at the commercialism of it all. You could sigh with contempt at the thought of a giant stuffed animal and a box of chocolates being tantamount to a true expression of love. Or, you could take a deeper look into love itself…

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