
Spring has officially sprung! And with it comes the itchy throat, watery and burning eyes, the sneezing, and the ever-present post-nasal drip.  But spring seems a bit early every year. Does it seem like that to you?  When did you start sneezing? When did you first start noticing the pollen everywhere?  Researchers think they may…

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Tipping Point

Extraordinary news!  Scientists have identified the exact moment that healthy brain proteins are shocked into the tangled mess that becomes what’s commonly associated with Alzheimer’s disease.  The researchers are hopeful that the new approach responsible for the discovery could be used to directly study the ‘never-before-seen’ early stages of many neurodegenerative diseases. Tau proteins are…

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Walnuts Win!

Nuts are an excellent replacement for highly processed and less healthy snacks, but one is continuing to distinguish itself as the best! A cupful of walnuts may be just what the doctor ordered to keep your heart and — your gut — healthy. Recent research shows that walnuts, in particular, can lessen a person’s risk…

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Nine Keys

Not too long ago, we looked at green and blue spaces and how they can affect our health, but have you heard about “blue zones” and what they could mean for our longevity? Could they really hold the secret to a longer life? What are Blue Zones anyway? According to a review published in the…

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Keeping a Young Brain

Like the rest of our bodies, the brain goes through extensive changes as we age. A new systematic review of 144 studies dealing with the brain and its functioning as we age has helped us to get a clearer picture on what is happening and what we can do about it! While very young, the…

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Before it Happens

Can doctors see into the future? Possibly. At least when it comes to epileptic seizures. In a groundbreaking project from the University of TX Health Science Center at Houston, scientists say they can now predict seizures more than 30 minutes before they occur among patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. The team, led by Sandipan Pati,…

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Still at Risk

A recent study has found that women 65 and older are dying of cervical cancer at an increasing rate, and researchers are beginning to raise their eyebrows at screening guidelines for older women.  The study, conducted by UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers, shows that despite the guidelines that recommend most women stop screening at…

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Eat For Your Heart

Of course, we all know that we should eat healthier for our heart, but what exactly is a heart-healthy diet? Well, it’s DASH. Researchers from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center are finally providing some heart-healthy diet specifics. Their study found that both the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, and a diet rich in…

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Green & Blue

Has bad weather kept you inside for too long?You may need some time out in a green or blue space. Getting outside for a walk or a jog or along a lake or a tree-lined area may reduce the need for medication for anxiety, asthma, depression, high blood pressure, or insomnia, a new study found.…

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Man-Made Organs

Does anyone need an artificial pancreas? That may soon become a reality for people with type 2 diabetes in the United Kingdom. Researchers from the Wellcome-MRC Institute of Metabolic Science at the University of Cambridge developed an artificial pancreas that they tested on patients with type 2 diabetes who were on dialysis due to end-stage…

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