Spring Cleaning

It’s Spring! You know what that means. Time for a little spring cleaning. Just as your house is in need of a thorough cleansing, your body is too. This one might get a little gross. You’ve been warned. First thing’s first. It’s worth it to understand WHY cleansing and detoxing are so important. Just as…

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A Tale of Two Brains

Did you know that you have two brains? You know that your actual brain is in your head encased in your skull. But, you may find it surprising that you have another brain housed in—your gut. Well, kind of. It’s long been decided that the brain has a direct effect on the stomach, but the…

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Grandparents Rock!

Good news for grandparents! Actually, good news for grandparents, their kids, and their kids’ kids! According to a study from the Women’s Health Aging Project in Australia, researchers found that postmenopausal women, ages 57 to 68, who spend one day a week caring for their grandchildren may have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s and…

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Get On Up!

Here’s a weird question: What’s more dangerous than smoking? Any guesses? Believe it or not, sitting can be more dangerous than smoking. Yes, you read that correctly. To be more specific, sitting for long periods of time is more dangerous than smoking. Actually, it can be worse than smoking a couple of packs a day! The…

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Garbage In, Garbage Out

Well, here it is: The single most shocking food study ever conducted. According to a French study, ultra-processed foods—which tend to be high in fat, saturated fat, sugar, processed carbohydrates, and salt—are linked to cancer. It’s no surprise that the poor nutritional quality of ultra-processed foods lends itself to their negative effects on health. Ultra-processed…

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Canker Soars: A Comprehensive Guide

Have you ever suffered from a canker sore? If you’ve had even one in your life, you know that they come from the devil himself, sent only for the obvious purpose of making you miserable. How can something so small cause such a huge amount of pain, and more importantly, how do you get rid…

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Your Brain in Love

It’s the week of celebrating love. Valentine’s. Yes, you could roll your eyes at the commercialism of it all. You could sigh with contempt at the thought of a giant stuffed animal and a box of chocolates being tantamount to a true expression of love. Or, you could take a deeper look into love itself…

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Fasting and the Soul

With all the physical benefits fasting has to offer, it would be remiss of us not to mention the even more important spiritual benefits that are afforded by fasting. It’s one thing to treat your body with respect and kindness, but when you care for your soul and spirit the way it was intended, you undoubtedly…

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Fasting and the Body

Fasting. That’s not something you think of as fun and exciting, right? It may make you think of the 40-day fasts that only the heroes of the Bible can pull off. But, what about regular folks who don’t have supernatural abilities and discipline? That’s where intermittent fasting comes in. It can actually be done! Although…

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Headaches – Part Three

Headaches are one of the most commonly experienced forms of pain. Everyone can relate to having a headache that distracts from work, interrupts family time or leaves you flat on your back in a dark room. In this series, we’re going to look at the various different types of  headaches (primary and secondary) and what…

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